When you procure a new service, how do you ensure the solution performs optimally and works as intended?
As a Home Technology Integrator, we need to provide you with this Peace-of-Mind.
There are various ways one can accomplish this, and we will highlight a few below:
For fixed network wiring, one can run qualification tests using specialized hardware, ensuring each network link performs to the required speed. One can go a step further to certify a network connection as well.
In the case of Wi-Fi, one can survey the installation to generate a heatmap of signal strength and throughput throughout your home, ensuring no corners are left without exceptional coverage.
When it comes to Audio, one can calibrate the system and provide an individualized speaker or whole system calibration report that typically includes your personalized SPL response curve, room reverberation time, and many more.
Lastly, for Video, one can provide a calibration report using highly specialized equipment, which verifies the parameters of your projector/television, ensuring you’re as close as possible to the director’s intended image.
These reports ensure the quality of your solution, securing your investment for time to come.